Tag Archives: citroen

  • The latest edition of the Leaky Tap in the Netherlands – you had to be there….

    It was the sixth consecutive edition of the Leaky Tap – the direct translation of the Kraantje Lek -rally organized by our very own Alex (he of Suixtil Benelux) who rode with his glorious D-Type replica. Thanks to our dear friend Martin, we have both a comprehensive “race report” and spectacular photos for you to …

  • A(nother) great day at the Museum

    Count us – and, by extension, you as well, lucky – we have just been able to take another trip to the great museum of the Automobile Club de L’Ouest – the custodian of the 24 hours of Le Mans. It was, as could be expected, a treat, with so many cars and moments encapsulated …

  • The Leaky Tap gets the grease – no, wait….

    And there you have it… mixed metaphors simply don’t work. And still, there is much to be said about the Leaky Tap – the Kraantje Lek, in Dutch. Yes, it is a restaurant – located nor very far from the Zandvoort track, where F1 racers used to meet-up for a good time (or three) before,  …

  • Epoqu’Auto in France, a great big show…

    And so we were at the beginning of November, wondering if the season was already over when we walked into Epoqu’Auto in Lyon, France, with our partners from Historic Driver for yet another exhibition. And it was great for different reasons – mainly having to do with the meeting of friends (like Gerard from Autodiva …

  • 2nd edition of the Maus Gatsonides – Krantje Lek Revival

    Held in the Netherlands in February, when the weather is not necessarily cooperating, this Rally organized by Alexander (our friend and distribution partner in Benelux) that rally is as much a friendship challenge as it is a fun driving day. We were fortunate that both Robbert Moree (our Dutch Ambassador, no less, traveling, in style, with …

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