The Guard Visor


Lovingly handcrafted in Argentina The Guard is a visor that’s tailored to the Suixtil helmets and guaranteed to protect your eyes while you exert that Spyder demon of yours. With a snap-button that will hold the front of the visor tightly against the peak of the helmets and a distressed leather top part to keep the wind from sipping into the helmet, the visor part is then cut from a flexible Perspex sheet and bent to nicely fit around the helmet. The whole device is also held in place by a nicely aged leather strap (that has also been stamped with the Suixtil seal of quality – an added comfort for you).

An indispensable complement to your helmet, The Guard will become your trusted companion – at life speed!


Important note

This equipment is a piece of memorabilia. It is NOT safety-rated to today’s standards and, as such, should never be used in the practice of competitive motorsports or any other dangerous sport or game, whether alternate specific equipment is recommended or not. We do not accept any responsibility, including consequential, for any incident or accident, injury or death that may arise from the improper use of this equipment.



S, M, L

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