It was the sixth consecutive edition of the Leaky Tap – the direct translation of the Kraantje Lek -rally organized by our very own Alex (he of Suixtil Benelux) who rode with his glorious D-Type replica. Thanks to our dear friend Martin, we have both a comprehensive “race report” and spectacular photos for you to …
The latest edition of the Leaky Tap in the Netherlands – you had to be there….
Another, the 5th now, glorious edition of the leaky tap 😉
Because things are different in the Netherlands, Alex (our Dutch distributor) is able to enlist aficionados in the middle of the winter. Whether it’s because they have known him for so long, thanks to the participation and support from Octane NL or because they all enjoy some masochistic traits somehow (to brave such a biting …
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The Carrera Paneuropeana – classic Porsche event….
For those who have been following us for a while, you will be well-familiar with this yearly party thrown together by Alexander – our Dutch distributor – who, time after time, manages to find new and exciting routes where most of us would just scratch our heads and give-up. His tasks was certainly made harder …
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2nd edition of the Maus Gatsonides – Krantje Lek Revival
Held in the Netherlands in February, when the weather is not necessarily cooperating, this Rally organized by Alexander (our friend and distribution partner in Benelux) that rally is as much a friendship challenge as it is a fun driving day. We were fortunate that both Robbert Moree (our Dutch Ambassador, no less, traveling, in style, with …