Tag Archives: silverstone

  • The drum-brake series is back – Silverstone first!

    Oh yes, we just love it – our friends Pia and Tony (yes, they of the Historic Racing Repertoire fame) are back with the series – you know the one: the drum brake series. It harks back to a gentler time of sportsmen and impossible cars that bore more than a passing resemblance with those …

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  • Monsieur Magazine (in France) features your brand – si Monsieur!

    Everyone knows they do things better over there, an innate sense of style and a close connection to everything sexy (it is, after all, still caused a French kiss, isn’t it?) including the automobile. So it really comes as no surprise at all if the Monsieur, the monthly mag that covers everything sartorial (depuis 1920, …

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  • Grazie Mille (that was easy…)

    It was that time – just slightly off the regular timetable of the 1000 and everyone (at least everyone we know) were looking at whether things would work out –  and how? – for the Mille Miglia. Last year’s edition had to be dramatically curtailed because of the pandemic and this year’s good signs about …

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  • Nos amis français sont en veine – l’édition d’avril de C&SC parle de nous!

    Une fois n’est pas coutume, disent-ils – et c’est vrai, dans une certaine mesure: ce sont surtout nos amis anglo-saxons qui ont la chance de lire de nos nouvelles dans la “presse spécialisée”. Mais voila du changement: l’édition francophone (France, Belgique, Suisse…) d’avril (le #75, pour être précis) de Classic & Sports Car parle enfin …

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