Tag Archives: mga

  • A Watkins Glen tragedy (of sort)…

    This  one came  straight from Dave, our friend and US Ambassador and a BARC Boys at heart, and it is a sad story, with all the elements of a Greek (Suixtil) tragedy – well, some at least. But here we go, not about to shy away from the truth, we’ll bare it all – not …

  • Meanwhile, still in Argentina…

    And while we were slogging it through bad weather in unknown provinces, Mariano, our colleague from the USA but really from Argentinean descend, was rallying in grand style with friends – a true case of horses for courses right there. Going from winery to winery around Mendoza, in landscapes that were just impossible to describe …

  • 1000 Millas in Argentina – a late X-mas present, just for you…

    And there we go again – back to the roots in Argentina. How does that line go – just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in – and of course, it’s not like we offer too much resistance either… what’s there to resist, after – we did call it “the land …

  • Out racing at the Glen

    September also saw the return of the Bee – we, of course, mean Honey Bee – the MGA with a sting – driven by none other than mad-Dave who, again, had it in his mind to operate in both Group 1 and 8 (with Nazdar) at (almost) the same time. Not ubiquity, but certainly as …

  • Hard racing and great fun at VIR

    It could be wondered why we would make space for photos of Dave, our friend and US Ambassador, having a good time racing Nazdar (his trusted, but at times capricious, 2002) at VIR, all of 80 years young, hooking up with an old friend and jumping in his ride for a stint at an Enduro …

  • Another, the 5th now, glorious edition of the leaky tap 😉

    Because things are different in the Netherlands, Alex (our Dutch distributor) is able to enlist aficionados in the middle of the winter. Whether it’s because they have known him for so long, thanks to the participation and support from Octane NL or because they all enjoy some masochistic traits somehow (to brave such a biting …

  • BAM! Our Dave does Sebring (again)….

    We bet you know the infectious song, the one that goes “Oh yes, it’s good to be the king” –  well, figure that our Dave, 6-time SVRA champ and BARC Boys founding member (and Suixtil Ambassador for more years than we care to remember) knows a thing or two about the feeling. This must be …

  • A Labor (Day weekend) of love at Lime Rock

    So it was that the Labor Day at Lime Rock was a double (and some) feature this year: Mariano, our Suixtil USA distributor, was there with a superb and properly appointed stand. He also, these things cannot be helped, brought a race car (see the opening photo) along, because, you know. He had a great …

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