So it was that time of the year for our yearly pilgrimage to that blessed spot of California where afficionados gather for Car Week in August. And you best believe it turned out grand, as expected. Well, we – on the Suixtil front – experienced a slight malfunction as we eneded up not exhibiting but, …
If only life could be a (Pebble, of course) beach…
Heaven on earth – in Argentina, no less…
Oh, and one more thing we forgot to mention we had been lucky to experience during our last trip to Argentina in March. We got kindly invited to meet up at a friend’s out of town haven to visit his collection. It is quite the way out of town and one must be prepared to …
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Pebble Beach Concours – Hard to improve (and yet…)!
As those of you, the many of you – thank you again, who have been following us for a while will know¸ we have been coming to Pebble Beach for quite a few years now (going on 15 – is that even possible?) and have been raving about the unique ability of the Concours week …
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The Classic Days – a classic not to be missed!
The Classic Days are quite special for us, since they started around the same time we relaunched your brand about 15 years ago, give or take a few. They have been growing steadily, overcoming obstacles that would have felled less passionate organizers (try surviving Covid, for one) and managed to keep the event both fun …
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Celebrating the centenary of Le Mans at the Classic? Yes please!
Of course, that was the main reason of our (and about 200 thousands of you as well) visit – the latest edition of Le Mans Classic. Last year (a COVID – remember that – catch-up) was a blast, but could the event sustain the same blistering pace 2 years running? well, the answer is a …
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Back for more – Peter shows his F1 testimony where it really matters…
Do you know what’s truly best, when you are a distinguished F1 photographer: the long seasonal break, of course – and the ability to escape to warmer climes too – as Peter, our friend and Danish Ambassador has just done. Having enjoyed the second-to-none Argentinean welcome last year, Peter – being generous to a fault …
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Race Week in Monterey – it’s so great to be back!
The reasons were good and many but the reality is that there is simply no possible replacement for the pleasures supplied in inordinate volumes by a full dose of race-week on the Monterey peninsula. Picture this: the events, the cars, the friends, the racing, the auctions, the action, did we already mention the friends? In …
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Back at Le Mans Classic – an ode to joy
No, we are not thinking about Ludwig von, but yes, we got back to Le Mans Classic after a (too) long, COVID induced, interruption. And yes, it was everything we hoped for – and more. In broad strokes: A masterful organization of the whole event, supported by a glorious weather – Check! A wonderful Suixtil …
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Our friends from Hagerty do it again – in Greenwich this time!
In another classic case of “success breeds success”, our friends at Hagerty have demonstrated once again their knack for putting together events that people love. Not only that, but these turn out to be true magnets not just for afficionados but also for new comers to the (dare we call it that) hobby – if …
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The Amelia dazzles – and Mariano’s there to see it all!
Yes, talk about turning a corner – the Amelia (as it is now known) has always occupied a special place in the calendar – of course, the Arizona auctions earlier in the year mark a great kick-off to the season, but it is with the Amelia that things really get started in earnest. It’s a …