And there we go again, thanks to Pia and Tony – yes, them, and under the good offices (if somewhat complicated this time) of the HSCCat Brands Hatch, no less. Authenticity fanatics and afficionado alike gathered under the drumbrakes’ series banner to compete fair and square among Suixtil gentlemen racers. And yes, the scheduled time was changed and, ultimately, somewhat racing but, just like packing an engine in a bad session, that’s racing for you.
Another great showing from the drumbrakes series
And there we go again, thanks to Pia and Tony – yes, them, and under the good offices (if somewhat complicated this time) of the HSCC at Brands Hatch, no less. Authenticity fanatics and afficionado alike gathered under the drumbrakes’ series banner to compete fair and square among Suixtil gentlemen racers. And yes, the scheduled time was changed and, ultimately, somewhat racing but, just like packing an engine in a bad session, that’s racing for you.
Luckily the weathter was brilliant and allowed for a few grand photos to be taken (all © of the HSCC, whom we thank) until we wait for the next session in September – remember the lie about patience being a virtue, well, there you go – at life speed! [thing of it as an opportunity to get your registration forms completed….]
And because you’ve been especially nice and patient, here’s another little mouth-watering tease – because that’s how we roll… you can thank us later 😊…