And so it was that, on an extraordinarily hot week end of June, our friend Günter, yes, him again! – was at the track, again, to gather some glorious pictures – which he did. Spa is of course quite a track, a combination of a long history while its continued association with F1 also means both the facilities and track have been significantly upgraded to be able to cater to the requirements of that crowd. It certainly does not mean that the track is easy – especially not in a boiling sun, but at least mechanics can operate from modern paddocks, pit lanes are effectively designed and it allows for greater crowds to show up. All things good, considering.
And what a show it turned out to be – as you’ll see from the gallery underneath, the selection and plateaux were quite extraordinary and the racing was of a top notch quality, even when seen from the distance of a gallery we put together afterwards but that’s thanks (again) to Günter unrelentingly keen eye who even managed to capture a couple of Suixtil moments for you…. So enjoy the moments and let us know what you think – at life speed!
Spa Summer Classic – another great racing meet
And so it was that, on an extraordinarily hot week end of June, our friend Günter, yes, him again! – was at the track, again, to gather some glorious pictures – which he did. Spa is of course quite a track, a combination of a long history while its continued association with F1 also means both the facilities and track have been significantly upgraded to be able to cater to the requirements of that crowd. It certainly does not mean that the track is easy – especially not in a boiling sun, but at least mechanics can operate from modern paddocks, pit lanes are effectively designed and it allows for greater crowds to show up. All things good, considering.
And what a show it turned out to be – as you’ll see from the gallery underneath, the selection and plateaux were quite extraordinary and the racing was of a top notch quality, even when seen from the distance of a gallery we put together afterwards but that’s thanks (again) to Günter unrelentingly keen eye who even managed to capture a couple of Suixtil moments for you…. So enjoy the moments and let us know what you think – at life speed!